Sunday, June 12, 2011

Catching up on May events: Four Winds Day and the Memorial Day assembly

I was going through photos this weekend and realized I had some photos that needed to be shared! At the end of May, we had Four Winds Day and a special Memorial Day whole-school assembly. The entire school participated in both events. The focus of Four Winds Day was the life cycle of a dandelion. The assembly, of course, focused on Memorial Day. 

Putting together the parts of a flower.
Pulling part a dandelion to examine the parts
Magnifying glasses helped students examine the dandelions.
Great cooperation!
Displaying part of the dandelion life cycle
Students spent a lot of time in May doing writing for their district writing portfolios, which will be sent along to next year's teacher. I had some juice and cookies left over from previous special events, so students had some "brain food." We all laughed because we know real brain food is a lot healthier. :-)

I was SO IMPRESSED with the way students worked together making posters for our class presentation about the Pledge of Allegiance for our Memorial Day assembly. I read a book (see below) that explains the vocabulary in the pledge, and we took several of those words and explained their meaning to the school. Students drew pictures to go along with each work. They chose which word they wanted to work on and worked extremely well together to come up with ideas for their collaborative posters.

At the assembly, students were a little nervous, but they did GREAT! I explained about the book we read, the students said the Pledge of Allegiance and held up their posters when we said their designated words, and then students spoke the definitions into a microphone. We received many compliments on our presentation. Hooray 1st graders!

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