Thursday, October 21, 2010

Odds and Ends...

On Tuesdays, Mrs. McCleary comes in for Guidance lessons. This week, she focused on the important topic of tattling versus telling. To summarize, tattling is usually when someone is trying to get someone else in trouble. Telling/reporting is telling an adult when someone might or did get hurt (physically or emotionally) and there is danger involved. Everyone received a copy of the "Tattle Rules" to bring home. 
These gears were open during a free choice time. It was great to see students work together to make them work! Excellent cooperative problem solving!
The Writing Station has been so popular during both literacy station time and free choice times. This is a community of writers! I can't wait to introduce students to their new writing notebooks on Monday!
Our blocks have also been a hot spot! These students told me this is Fort Ticonderoga in New York. :-)
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1 comment:

  1. We posted the "tattle rules" on our refridgerator for us all to see and review when needed.... it's great because Alex likes to remind his little sister of the rules which in turn reminds him!!!
