Sunday, November 21, 2010


Recently, we have had fun measuring in different ways during math time. Unit 4 began with measuring in nonstandard units using our bodies--digits, arm spans, hand spans, foot steps, and more! We moved from nonstandard units of measure to measuring with inches using 12-inch rulers. We will continue to explore measurement this week, and the important concept of "Fact Power" will be introduced. Stay tuned! 

Students measured our meeting area using their feet. They had to measure carefully, heel to toe. We discussed why some students had different measurements than others (our feet are different sizes). 
Students loved measuring my teacher books with their hands. 
Mr. Antonicci joined the fun with our "Foot-Long Foot" lesson. Each child cut out a foot-long foot and compared it to his/her own foot. We measured with our shoes and the foot-long foot and discussed why the measurements are different. We then talked about why we have a standard unit of measurement called a foot. It is always the same--12 inches. It would be confusing if everyone used his/her own feet for measuring. Mr. Antonicci was the only person in our classroom whose foot comes close to being a "foot-long foot." :-)
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