Family Info

Here is our specials schedule:

Monday: Library (Click "Library" to link directly to Mrs. Flanagan's blog!)

Tuesday: P.E. (Click "P.E. to link directly to Mr. Traquair's blog!)

Wednesday: Music (Click "Music" to link directly to Ms. Mutz's blog!)

Thursday: Art (Click "Art" to link directly to Mrs. Derry's blog!)

Friday: P.E. 



Daily 5/Reading Workshop

Websites I recommend for information about reading:

Reading Rockets

Here are links to newsletters from a professional website I access frequently. I will alert you to new additions to this list via the blog/email when I post something related to what we're working on in class.

Expand Vocabulary--Use prior knowledge and context clues to determine word meanings


Our district uses the Everyday Math program in the elementary grades. For more information about this program, please visit

Although our district does not officially use the "Bridges" math program, I use some of its resources and find its parent resources/materials very valuable:

K-5 Math Teaching Resources (information on many math topics):

Excellent tips for helping children learn to count coins: