Monday, November 23, 2009

Morning Meeting

There are so many parts of our day that it would be hard for students to remember to tell you about all of them! That is a large part of the purpose of this blog! :-)
We start every day with a Morning Meeting on the carpet in our meeting area. Morning Meeting has four components. We begin with a Greeting. This is when students say hello/good morning to each other in a variety of ways--the way we do it changes each day. Next comes Sharing. Each student has an assigned sharing day and can tell about things that happen to them in their lives or show meaningful objects and tell about them. We then move on to the Activity. The activity varies quite a bit and ranges from cooperative games to songs and movement activities. We always end with Morning Message. I write a note on the interactive whiteboard to tell students about our day. There are often parts of words missing and an interactive "Question of the Day" to get students up and involved in creating and reading our message.
Students love the "Shoe Greeting." Ask your child to explain it to you!

Sharing is a fun way to learn about other people's interests and activities.

I will take pictures in future Morning Meetings to show you more about what happens during this important time of our day!

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