Sunday, January 17, 2010

Guess the Property

Students have been learning about the properties of solid objects during our science unit about Solids and Liquids. Students have become familiar with vocabulary we can use to describe an object's properties, such as rigid, flexible, smooth, rough, etc. Students played "Guess My Property" last week to practice identifying properties that objects have in common. We used an excellent piece of technology that we have in our classroom--a document camera-- to help play the game. Students selected two objects with a property in common, put them under the document camera, and then asked students to guess the common property. Students taught the game to Miss Stevens' class the next day! Now that students know this game, they can play it with a friend when they have extra time during the day.
Many objects share several properties, so students would either day, "That's true, but that's not what I'm thinking." OR "Yes, you guessed the property!"

The mystery property for these two objects (a rubber tube and a wooden cylinder) was that they are both smooth.

The common property here was that the objects both have a color.
Students LOVED using the document camera! I was able to purchase the camera through a technology course I took over the summer. I am learning more about how to integrate it into everyday instruction.

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