Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Literacy Love

We've had a pretty amazing couple days! Everyone seems invested in their learning and up for a challenge. 

Digital texts

We continued our study of digital texts with Mrs. Boucher (tech integration specialist) and Mrs. Blake (district literacy coordinator). On Monday, students learned about the app Doodle Buddy and practiced taking notes about the most important parts of a digital text (a website about penguins). We will try to do more with it this week, but if our busy schedule doesn't allow (with the musical and Valentines Day this week), we'll continue next week. 

Reading Magic!

This morning when I got to school, I spilled a container of beads. As I started to pick them up, I glanced over at children's book boxes and noticed we had a problem to solve! Many students were "book shopping" from reading levels that were either too easy or too hard, and many also had too few or too many (is that possible!?) books in their bags. So we did a little "winter clean up" first thing after students arrived. Everyone helped reorganize the book baskets in our leveled library, and then everyone checked in with me about their 'good fit' reading level. As we just finished a round of assessments, I was able to easy help each child "shop" from the correct text reading level. We are fortunate to have lots of books in a variety of genres and topics. Everyone reloaded their book bags with 5-6 new books.

As I worked to help students select and sort books, those who were finished gathered around the room to read. I was thrilled to see such interested, engaged, and motivated readers! It was unplanned, but our morning reading time was a big success. Keep up the great work, first graders!

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