Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Guidance Lessons

Mrs. McCleary has started her weekly guidance lessons in our classroom. She will be working with us throughout the school year. Today she lead a discussion about escalating and deescalating a problematic situation. Mrs. McCleary talked to the class about how it's normal to have problems with other people sometimes, but our reactions play a large role in problem solving. Our reactions can make a problem bigger or smaller. Students were invited to come up and choose a statement out of a box, which Mrs. McCleary read to the class. Students had to determine if the behaviors described would escalate or deescalate a situation. Some of the "escalating" behaviors were teasing, pushing, tattling, and being bossy. Some of the deescalating behaviors were eye contact, kind words, listening to the other person, and being willing to talk it out. Mrs. McCleary used great posters in this lesson which I will photograph up close and post soon. What a great lesson!
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1 comment:

  1. I think this is a great thing for kids this age to learn. Mrs. McCleary seems really nice and I know Alex will benefit from what she is trying to teach the kids!
