Wednesday, September 1, 2010

A great first day!

Hello, everyone!
I was so impressed with your children today! It was a HOT day outside and very warm in the classroom. We were all quite sweaty, but we still got off to a good start. :-) I noticed a lot of children had water bottles with them, and I was happy about that. Please feel free to send your child to school with water any time, but especially on these extremely hot days. It is fine to keep the water bottles in the classroom, or your child can bring it back and forth each day--whatever works best for your family.

The first days of school include lots of "teacher talk," as I have to introduce a lot of routines, but we are still able to mix many activities into the mix. Ask your child about their time with pattern blocks, decorating special name tags, singing songs, taking a "Chicka Chicka Boom Boom" school tour, and enjoying a popsicle before art class. It was a busy day!

I took some great photos today, but I would like to get your permission before including your child's photo on the blog. This blog is only accessible if you have the URL and is not searchable via Google or other search engines except through the UMS website. I also never post children's pictures with their names. I love sharing our blog in the classroom, and I look forward to another great year of blogging. Watch for the permission letter in your child's folder tomorrow.

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