Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Math Update

 A Family Letter about Unit 5 of Everyday Math was sent home on Friday, and an introduction letter about Dreambox, an online math program, was sent last Thursday. Both are off to a great start! Students are enjoying the base-ten blocks to learn about place value in a hands-on way. We are using dice and dominoes during Math Workshop in a variety of ways to help children build automaticity with math facts. This week, the first graders enjoyed using wipe-off pages with dry-erase markers to practice their facts using dominoes and/or dice. We also play many dice games to practice math facts--has your child used his/her new dice and dice games that were part of our holiday gift? I hope so! It's a fun and valuable way to practice math fact fluency.

As for Dreambox, we are part of a pilot at UMS to try this resource to determine if it's worth investing in a subscription. So far, students seem to love it! It can be accessed at home online via a computer or through a free iPad app. The link for students is on the right-hand sidebar of this blog. I encourage children to get extra practice at home when possible. Our trial period ends February 28th.

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