Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Subtraction Action

Just a little snippet from our day...

Today during math, we watched a great video clip on BrainPopJr.com about subtraction. We then explored the concept of subtraction using plastic cups. I demonstrated how we can start with a designated number of cups standing (10 cups, for example). I then knocked some of the cups down (3 cups, for example). How many cups were left standing? We wrote the corresponding number model/number sentence on white boards: 10-7=3. We did this for many different numbers. The cups provided a concrete example of what subtraction means. Children took turns being the teacher and setting up/knocking over cups and checking the number models the students wrote on their dry erase boards.

What number model is shown here?

Such great focus!

Setting up the cups was fun...but not as fun as knocking them over! :-)

Getting us ready for more math subtraction action!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Erin,

    I LOVE the blog. Keep up the good work!

