Thursday, March 10, 2011

Random moments from this week...

"Mrs. Sorenson, can you please take our picture?" Students want you to see what they create during free choice time!
We used this morning to practice letter formation of lowercase e. First, I demonstrated. Then students tried writing an e on the Smartboard. I took one of our best examples and included it below, in "movie" format. Check out Sketchcast--it's easy and fun! (And it's a great way for me to demonstrate something written and then stand back to let students observe without my hands/arms in the way). It's also a great way for students to see something step by step. We'll be using this program more as we launch our "how-to" writing unit of study next week.

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1 comment:

  1. Sketchcast sounds like a wonderful learning tool to use in the classroom!
