Sunday, January 22, 2012

SWR Check-Up Update

First, I apologize for not getting the last SWR check-up corrected and home last week. Students did not take a new check-up last week (due to the shorter week), but they will bring the check up from 1-13-12 in the green folder tomorrow. I wanted to let everyone know that our check-ups will be done in the sentence format (see below) for the next few weeks and possibly longer. We have been working hard on sentence structure/rules and penmanship. Dictated sentences are an important way for students to apply their letter/sound knowledge and spelling skills in a more meaningful format than simply writing words in isolation. This allows me to see if students are able to remember which words are phonetic (word family) words and which are non-phonetic (red words) without having any prompts. The hope is that more dictated sentence practice will help students become more conscious of their spelling in their everyday writing. You will notice that I corrected spelling errors in your child's check-up and that I also noted punctuation and letter formation errors. It has been hard to get used to writing on the lined penmanship paper--it can be confusing, but we will keep working on it! Most students seemed fine with this change in format, and many actually expressed that they like it better. As always, let me know if you have any questions!

Fantastic work!
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