Saturday, September 29, 2012

Our first video project

I am so pleased with how well students are doing with the preparation for our "We Are Alike; We Are Different" video--the first video we will produce using the iMovie app for the iPad. This is the culminating project for the All About Me social studies unit in first grade. Students took part in selecting a partner for this project (ask your child about details on that, if you're interested), and then they worked with their partner to complete a Venn diagram to compare themselves to one another. Using the Venn diagram as a guide, students started to fill in a script for what they will say in their video clips with their partners. "Filming" will begin on Monday. :-)


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  1. This sounds like a fun project! The kids must love using the iPad too!

  2. Can't wait to see the finished products!

  3. Sounds like a great project!! Molly has told me about her and her partner!!
